Guy Georges
Classification: Serial Killer
Born: Angers, France, 1962
Arrested: March 27, 1998
No. Victims: 7-10
Active: 1991-1997
Nickname:Beast of the Batille
Victim Profile:Young Parisian women
MO: Rape-torture-murder, bound victims to bed in their homes and slit their throats
Location: Paris, Angers, France
From 1991 to 1997 the lethal "Beast of Bastille" is suspected of having tortured, raped and killed seven women in the neighborhood of the famed Revolutionary era Parisian prison. On March 27, 1998, French police, in the largest manhunt in French criminal history, picked up Georges -- who was a vagrant at the time -- in Montmartre after police DNA-matched him to four Beast of Bastille murders and one attempted rape. In custody he confessed to three more murders.
The attacker allegedly stalked his victims for several days before making his move. He would then engage them in conversation and talked his way into their apartments. Once inside he would bound them to the bed, rape and torture them, then he would slit their throats.
Embarrasing local authorities, Guy's DNA profile had been on record for at least three years and investigators continually overlooked it. When authorities finally connected the Beast cases to him they discovered he had already given evidence in one of the murder in 1995.
Described as "unstable", Georges is said to be a persistent sexual offender who has been living in cheap hotels and squats in Paris for some time. In court, Georges was described by the public prosecutor as "the
incarnation of evil" and psychiatrists warned that he could not be cured
of his desire to kill. Born and raised in Angers, he is also being questioned about three rapes and murders committed between 1991 and 1994. All the victims were young women, some found tied to their beds with knife or razor cuts to their throats.
Georges' trial started March 19, 2001 after authorotoes determined he was legally sane. In court Georges' 71-year-old foster mother, Jeanne Morin, said he was "a sensational child." Georges told the court that his biological parents, an American soldier and a French woman, abandoned him when he was just an infant. The Morin family, who had seven children of their own, then took him in.
Psychiatrists told the court that Georges was a "narcissistic
psychopath," and one doctor likened him to a cat that catches birds
through natural impulse. Police said his victims were all attractive
women, who appeared energetic and successful. "He is a diabolical personality...the incarnation of evil," public
prosecutor Evelyne Lesieur told the court.
Georges began the three-week trial insisting he was innocent, but later
confessed in the face of overwhelming evidence and emotion-charged
testimony from families of the victims. On April 5, after admitting to the murders, Georges was sentenced life in prison with no parole for 22 years. The verdict upheld the penalty state
prosecutors had requested. Before the verdict was delivered, Georges turned to the victims' families and
asked the court not to impose a life sentence. "I am nearly 40 years old and I will never get out."
Georges also asked for forgiveness from the families and indicated to the court that he might commit suicide. "The sentence that you are going to impose on me is nothing, I will
inflict a sentence upon myself," he said. "Twenty two years. That's
nothing. Life is life. You can rest assured, I will never leave prison.
But I can tell you that I won't serve this sentence."